Chinese man cycles across Africa-New Era-Namibia

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Chinese man cycles across Africa-New Era-Namibia


By Sabina Elago

WINDHOEK- Twenty-seven-year-old Fengyan Du has travelled  about 33500KM by bicycle from China to Africa in two years. fengyan began his journey in Auguest 25,2011 and reached Namibia on Auguest 15,2013.

According to Fengyan, his marathon, intercontinental trip by bicycle has so far taken him through 21 countries in Asia and Africa where he also performed some charity work, Thus far in Africa he has travelled through Egypt,Sudan,Ethiopia,Djibouti,Somaliland,Kenya,Uganda,Rwanda,Tanzania,Malawi,Zambia and currently Namibia on his way to South Africa, In Asia he also cycled through India and Iran.

He will travel back to China and start working again to save some money for the next leg of his world trip that will be North and South America, Currently he works at an orphanage as a schoolteacher in India.

“I had a dream to travel the world and in 2007 I started saving up to make my dream come true before I start a family”. enthused Fengyan.

Many a time he had no place to camp, but he has overnighted in schools, churches and on farms. He would do some charity work for food and a place to sleep.

“In Egypt I followed a tourist group where I took pictures and videos for them, just for food and a place to camp just to save money,” he said.

“Going in to villages and associating with people was a good experience for me ,I met robbers in Ethiopia, but they didn’t take anything for me. All I did was just point and stare at them and they became scared. thinking I was strong, and they then became friendly with me,” explained Fengyan.

He has also come across many dangerous animals, like hyenas, but fortunately the beasts did not attack him.

“I chose to travel by bike because it is easy to travel with, it is free, I can stop wherever I want to and learn more things in this way,” said Fengyan who has spent about US$5000 on his whole trip so far.

Fengyan said  he would be heading to South Africa when he gets his visa and will travel back to china to work and save up for his next trip, which will take him across South and North America.

Chinese man cycles across Africa-New Era-Namibia

Fengyan DU started his trip fron Naning the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Region in China(中新社 洪坚鹏 摄)

Chinese man cycles across Africa-New Era-Namibia

Learners at the orphanage in India say goodbye to Fengyan


  • 本文由 杜风彦 发表于 2013 年 9 月 3 日 12:46:43
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杜风彦:无爱不旅行 媒体报道


第九届金犀牛年度背包客提名 杜风彦 长途骑行者,摄影师,功夫教练。2011 年 8 月从中国南宁出发,历时两年两个月时间,行程 35000 公里,骑行穿越亚非 22 国,到达南非好望角。在路上以各种形...